Daily Express - Marudu mum’s plight gets attention of MCMC
09 Jul 2021 - Daily Express
KOTA MARUDU: Daily Express’ report of a six-month pregnant housewife who had to climb a hill almost daily to obtain network signal for her daughter’s home-based teaching and learning (PdPr) classes due to limited coverage has gained the attention of the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC).
The MCMC has taken steps to resolve the Internet access problem faced by residents in several locations in Sabah, including in Kg Sungoi Darat, here.
As for the long-term solution, the MCMC will include the location in the next phase of its Jalinan Digital Negara (Jendela) planning.
The effort and initiative implemented by the Ministry is expected take place in July to September.
MCMC Corporate Communications Department in a statement, here, said that the Sabah MCMC together with service providers have held a meeting with the complainants in the village.
Based on investigations carried out by the MCMC, they found that the issue of poor Internet access is due to the shape of the earth’s surface which obstructed access.
In a joint effort with the State Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Kg Sungoi Darat has been listed to receive broadband access services via the Very Small Aperture Terminal.
In this regard, the MCMC will continue to monitor and take action to address Internet access problems nationwide.